Linstram - Steelcase Authorized Dealer Čeština

Steelcase introduces c:scape

Today’s knowledge workers are tackling more complex tasks, across the office and around the world.

c:scape is a workplace system composed of four elements: desk, low storage, mid storage and screens. These four elements create a wide range of spaces: individual or team spaces, management offices and informal areas. 

Every component of c:scape was designed to help individuals and small groups perform and connect better. Steelcase took a holistic approach to function, considering three key elements: social (what matters to people), information (how people access and share information) and spatial (how space can help). Open sight lines, integrated technology, multi-purpose components, adjustability and rich materiality help to deliver high functionality and performance.
“We live in a networked world, where technology networks and social networks are intertwined - in our work and in our lives. Technology has given us freedom and independence, yet we still need others to get work done,” said Matthieu Urban c:scape product manager. “It takes more than one person to tackle today’s complex business problems. That’s why we developed c:scape, to help people connect and collaborate, and ultimately innovate.” 

Specific components of the c:scape solution include the desk - which slides forward to reveal a built-in connection zone that provides users with full and easy access to the technology, storage, and privacy, including personal, shared, modesty and expandable screens.