When you bring people together with a shared purpose in a place that supports their needs you can actually fuel engagement and improve organizational performance. With an increasingly complex and competitive global environment, place matters, more than ever.
Steelcase and Linstram can help you create places that amplify the performance of your people, teams and enterprise. This is who we are. It’s also what we do. Visit Steelcase.com.
A ground breaking product, Rodney removes the need for a separate arm and desk clamp by combining the two components into a single piece. With 430mm of horizontal reach, Rodney is adept at allowing different focal lengths to be easily achieved while minimising desktop footprint. With desk clamp included, integrated cable management and security features as standard, Rodney monitor arms are ready to install and use immediately with no add-ons required.
Producer: Colebrook Bosson Saunders