When you bring people together with a shared purpose in a place that supports their needs you can actually fuel engagement and improve organizational performance. With an increasingly complex and competitive global environment, place matters, more than ever.
Steelcase and Linstram can help you create places that amplify the performance of your people, teams and enterprise. This is who we are. It’s also what we do. Visit Steelcase.com.
With we_talk, the two to three-seater bench, no one will feel caught between two chairs since a third person can also take a seat for a short conversation. The tall table rounds off the conversation area. This is known as the active promotion of communication. The upholstered back support of we_talk protrudes beyond the shell and creates a high level of comfort.
We meet - The elegance lies in the detail: the back support is attached by hidden screws and tapers off to a very thin edge.
Design: Justus Kolberg
Producer: Brunner