When you bring people together with a shared purpose in a place that supports their needs you can actually fuel engagement and improve organizational performance. With an increasingly complex and competitive global environment, place matters, more than ever.
Steelcase and Linstram can help you create places that amplify the performance of your people, teams and enterprise. This is who we are. It’s also what we do. Visit Steelcase.com.
Three cushioned surfaces can be used in various ways – as a back- rest, table, couch, chair or tablet where items can be placed. The tops distinguish themselves in colour and material from the sides. With numerous combinations of colours and modules, plot can be adapted to many different types of rooms.
It offers optional tablets for use in areas where people carry bags and other items. Larger seating landscapes with different communication areas can be created using add-ons.
Design: osko+deichman
Producer: Brunner